Nutrition and Follow-up After Obesity Surgery

Each patient will meet with our dietician. After operation, you will stay at hospital for 3 days. For this 3 days you will feed with sugarless, low calorie foods and non-carbonated liquids. You can get a 50 ml of liquid every half hour.

After being discharged from hospital, first 2 weeks you have to feed with puree formed nutrients (soup, yoghurt etc).

3th week, you can eat foods like mashed potatos, undercooked eggs, pudding etc.

4th week, you can eat grilled or steamed fish, steamed vegetables and soft fruits.

After 4th week you can gradually return to eating firmer foods. Chew food thoroughly and wait 30 seconds between every bite.

The first one month and later nutrition program will be explained in more detail by our dietician.

Under normal conditions, you will be discharged 3 days after surgery. After being discharged, you can take bath. Don't drive vehicle for 2 weeks. Inform your doctor if there is redness or afflux on the surgical wound, 38 degrees or more fever, abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting.

Postoperative follow-up is very important. Surgery is just the first step for the best and healthy way to lose weight. After the surgery you will lose your excess weight in 12-18 months.

In the period of the transition from mash foods to solid foods, to comply with the dietitian will ensure you don't experience any problem. Postoperative follow-up will ensure early diagnosis for possible vitamin, iron and protein deficiency.

Your postoperative controls will be at first month, 3th month, 6th month and 12th month.

Avoid becoming pregnant for 12 months after surgery.

Starting from the first week, make at least a 30-minute walks. Exercise will make it easier for you to lose weight. If you have joint problems, you can swim after 2 weeks. You can start firming exercise in the gym accompanied by a trainer after 2 months. This will minimize muscle weakness and sagging.